Wednesday, 6 May 2020

video challenge my favourite thing to do

Donuts and Drifts my favourite thing to do

Mrs Long has set a video challenge for our class this week.
We had to make a video and it could of us helping with something or reading a story.
I chose to do something I love doing.

This is me riding my new motorbike doing donuts and drifting down on the beach and this is my favourite thing to do donuts and drifts. I had to get Mum to take the video as i couldn't do it myself and ride the bike at the same time.
To do donuts you need to get lots of speed like i did go really fast and then turn the handle bars and then you have to keep the gas up while going round the corner To get out of the donut you have to turn the handle bars the other way.
When drifting you go really fast down the beach in a straight line and then turn the handlebars one way and then the other way quickly swinging the bike at the same time.

 While we were down the beach doing my video challenge we also made a hut with all the driftwood.
we are going back down later today to see if the wind and rain did any damage to it. I hope the tide didn't take it away when it came in overnight.

We used two main big sticks leaning on each other and then added the other sticks laying them on the sides to make the walls. There was a big log that I used as seat and then uncovered another smaller one for the foot rest.         

1 comment:

  1. Hi Toby
    Have you ever heard of the saying "Killed two birds with one Stone"? Well, I think you achieved this on your trip to the beach, because you got to do your video challenge, having fun doing donuts and drifts AND you got to build a cool hut! Lucky, lucky you! Keep up the good work Toby.


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